
How Did SiteTech Offset 100% of Carbon from Truck Fleet Emissions?

July 3, 20246 min read
How Did SiteTech Offset 100% of Carbon from Truck Fleet Emissions?

Portable toilets are a fantastic and essential addition to any worksite. In order to ensure high levels of hygiene and usage, it is crucial to keep it clean and well-maintained, increasing the lifespan of your portable toilet. Whether it’s a portable toilet hire or purchase, following these simple steps can help ensure your portable toilet remains in excellent condition for years.

Regularly Empty and Clean the Waste Tank

Firstly, regularly emptying and cleaning the waste tank can prevent unpleasant odours but also avoid any buildup of bacteria and germs. Environmental regulations require emptying the waste tank in designated disposal areas. You can find your nearest disposal area through local council websites.

Clean the Interior of the Toilet.

A clean portable toilet is important for maintaining a hygienic environment and ensuring the comfort and safety of all users. Pay special attention to the most used areas, such as the toilet seat, door handle, and holding tank, and sanitise them thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs. 

Toilet Seat  

One important aspect of cleaning portable toilets is the sanitation of the toilet seat. Cleaning professionals thoroughly sanitise the seat to eliminate any bacteria or germs that may have built up. This step is vital to prevent the spread of bacteria and diseases and maintain the overall cleanliness of the toilet.

Toilet Door Handle  

Another area that requires attention is the door handle. Since multiple people use portable toilets, the door handle can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Ensure that the door handle is thoroughly sanitised to minimise the risk of contamination.

Holding Tank

The holding tank is responsible for storing waste, and if not cleaned regularly, it can emit unpleasant odours and increase bacteria and germ growth. Emptying, cleaning, and disinfecting the holding tank contributes to maintaining a hygienic environment. Consult the installation manual for instructions on emptying the holding tank.

The construction industry plays a vital role in shaping our world but has a significant environmental impact. One key area of concern is construction carbon emissions. This includes emissions from construction materials, equipment operation, and transportation of materials and workers.

Last year, the UN Environment Program reported that the building and construction sector is one of the major emitters of greenhouse gases, accounting for a staggering 37% of global emissions. 

Many construction businesses are committed to going carbon-neutral. However, the electric trucks are either not available or unsuitable. In the case of SiteTech, the heavy temporary fencing meant the EV trucks could not achieve the required range.

SiteTech, a leader in the construction industry, recognise the importance of addressing company carbon emissions, and we’re taking concrete steps to minimise our environmental footprint.

Understanding Carbon Offsetting

Carbon offsetting is a process by which companies compensate for their carbon emissions by investing in projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gases elsewhere.

These projects can range from reforestation to renewable energy initiatives. The goal is to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint.

Given the difficulty of finding EV trucks that meet the business’s needs, SiteTech decided on carbon offsetting as an alternative.

SiteTech’s commitment to carbon offsetting is a testament to their dedication to sustainability. It’s a crucial part of their strategy to combat climate change.

The Impact of Truck Emissions on Construction

Truck emissions are a significant source of carbon emissions in the construction industry. 

Diesel engines used in construction vehicles release greenhouse gasses, including carbon dioxide (CO2), a major contributor to air pollution & climate change.

SiteTech is acutely aware of this issue and has implemented strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of its truck fleet as a part of the SiteTech Way commitment to balancing our activities with nature (no net harm).


SiteTech's Green Initiatives and Carbon Off-Set Strategies

SiteTech’s dedication to sustainability is reflected in its significant product developments. We launched recycled plastic crossovers in 2017 for construction sites and a base plate as a part of the EBracket Edge Protection System in 2021.

Following this, our focus shifted to offsetting carbon emissions from a fleet of 20 trucks, which amounted to 370 tonnes of carbon, to enhance our company’s sustainability initiatives.

Minimising Our Impact

Focusing on truck emissions can make a real difference, especially in the construction industry, where most of the transport and movements are made by trucks or utes. 

SiteTech partnered with TreeCoin, Which achieves carbon drawdown by supporting forestation initiatives worldwide. Their approach utilises innovative technologies like blockchain and satellite imagery to ensure verifiable results.

The key advantage of this technology is the ability to trace the 370 tonnes of reforestation to a specific location in Gippsland, Victoria.

Through our partnership with TreeCoin, we offset over 370 tonnes of emissions annually. This means planting and protecting trees that absorb the equivalent amount of CO2 our trucks release.

SiteTech understands the importance of regularly measuring and reporting carbon emissions.

This data is verified by third-party auditors. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of their reports.

Through this transparency, SiteTech holds itself accountable. It also allows stakeholders to track the company’s progress towards its sustainability goals.

Our Commitment Continues

More recently, SiteTech has purchased additional offsets for staff vehicle emissions. This will cover an additional 80 tonnes of emissions, the estimate for the 65 staff getting to and from work over a year.

Offsetting 100% of truck emissions is a significant step towards a more sustainable future for SiteTech. However, we view this as just the beginning. 

We are committed to continuously exploring ways to reduce our environmental impact and contribute to the sustainability of the construction.


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